You may have heard the do’s and don’ts and watching the upcoming Solar Eclipse by now. In the Sunshine State, although we won’t have the ability to see the eclipse in all totality, it’s still a historic moment that doesn’t come around too often. Here in Orlando, the eclipse will be positioned to our view at 2:50pm. We will be seeing around 90 percent of sun coverage. The expert Orlando ophthalmologists at Magruder Laser Vision are here to provide you with ways to safely view the Solar Eclipse that don’t risk your vision or your ability to enjoy the phenomenon.
The most important part about viewing the Solar Eclipse is protecting your eyes. Even though the idea of the moon covering the sun sounds like a safe time to look up to the sky, it’s important to know that the sun’s rays are still extremely strong and can permanently damage the eyes even then the moon is partially blocking them. The only safe way to look directly at the un-eclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through solar filters. Before your try to make these at home, it’s important to keep in mind that homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses are not entirely safe. They are capable of transmitting thousands of times too much sunlight. Here is a list of NASA-approved solar filters that will help you keep your eyes safe during the eclipse:
- American Paper Optics (Eclipser) / /
- APM Telescopes (Sunfilter Glasses)
- Baader Planetarium (AstroSolar Silver/Gold Film)
- Celestron (EclipSmart Glasses & Viewers)
- DayStar (Solar Glasses)
- Explore Scientific (Solar Eclipse Sun Catcher Glasses)
- Halo Solar Eclipse Spectacles
- Lunt Solar Systems (SUNsafe SUNglasses)
- Meade Instruments (EclipseView Glasses & Viewers)
- Rainbow Symphony (Eclipse Shades)
- Seymour Solar (Helios Glasses)
- Thousand Oaks Optical (Silver-Black Polymer & SolarLite)
- TSE 17 / (Solar Filter Foil)*
The Solar Eclipse can be a great way to bond with your neighbors, friends, and family. It’s one of the only times most Orlando communities will be outside watching the sky. The Orlando Ophthalmologist experts at Magruder encourage you to enjoy your time this Monday, but to not forget your safety and the safety of others. If you see someone watching with no filters, offer yours for a bit! Let’s keep the Orlando community safe during this amazing phenomenon !