The candidacy diagnosis was wrong. Most commonly, the person told they shouldn't have LASIK was given "astigmatism" as the reason.
The conservative amount of time to wait to use eye makeup is a week. I’ve not heard of someone causing an injury after a week.
A 10-minute procedure will transform the blurry vision you woke up with into vision that is mostly clear by the time you go to bed.
There is a tremendous amount of detail and complexity that goes into getting excellent results from LASIK.
A LASIK enhancement goes by many names: a tweak, touch-up, tune-up, lift flap, retreatment, a fine-tuning.
The proper expectation for LASIK results is directly dependent on what the diagnostics and testing reveal during a consult.
LASIK isn’t the best choice for everyone. It’s a choice — one of many choices — and for some people, it is only one of the many options.
The reason for the difference between LASIK (useless for cataracts) and laser cataract surgery (curative for cataracts)
When someone gets LASIK at age 18, they are getting eyes that will work for distance and near vision for the longest time possible.