If the mere thought of having surgery on your eyes is enough to send you running for the hills, let’s break it down for you and ease your mind. On one hand, you know that you’re eager to experience the joy of waking up in the morning with perfect vision. Being able to do anything you want without worrying about your glasses or contacts would be a dream come true. You’ve heard the commercials, read the testimonials about having laser eye procedure in Orlando, and have heard about the fabulous results people experience. Still, you have reservations and that is completely normal. Being well informed and having an complimentary LASIK consultation at Magruder Laser Vision will help alleviate your anxiety. Here’s what to expect:

Schedule a Consultation

We are conveniently located in the heart of Orlando right off of I4, so you don’t have to trek too far for your initial consultation. Our level of service starts when you walk in the front door, as you’re greeted by a friendly face at the front desk. That level of services continues on throughout all of your appointments, as you will encounter those same friendly faces each time you visit. We ensure there are no surprises and you know exactly what to expect every time you walk through our doors. After your initial 30 minute consultation, we will explain the next steps so you feel confident with the rest of the process.

Day of Procedure

On the day of your LASIK eye procedure, you will be greeted by the same staff you’ve come to know well throughout your experience with us. Prior to this day, our staff will ensure that you’re fully prepared for what to expect on the day of surgery. He arms you with the information needed to make sure you feel safe, secure, and confident in your decision to improve your vision. Doc Brock will gently talk you through the entire 10 minute procedure.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, our staff will make sure you have everything you need for recovery and to know and understand what to expect in the follow up appointments. Your vision will be noticeably better the following day. You should be able to drive yourself back to our office for a brief follow-up appointment.

Now that you know what to expect, it’s time to schedule that initial consultation at Magruder Laser Vision. Dr. Michael Shumski is one of the few eye doctors in Orlando to provide initial consultations himself in order to have a personalized experience with each and every one of his patients. To find out more about what to expect during laser eye surgery in Orlando, please call us at 407-843-5665 or book your complimentary consultation online now. Don’t let fear keep you from a world without glasses or contacts!

We are Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.