You’ve made the decision to have corrective laser eye surgery and have heard that LASIK is the accurate terminology used for the procedure that will allow you to ditch your contacts and glasses once and for all. You may be surprised when you are told that you may be a better candidate for PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) surgery instead of LASIK. Photorefractive keratectomy was first performed in the mid 1980s, and the PRK technique continues to be refined and improved while giving you the same results as LASIK: great vision! Doc Brock, a leading Orlando ophthalmologist, shares further information on PRK.

PRK has constantly improved over these years and is now often call Advanced Surface Ablation. Only a skilled ophthalmologist will be able to determine what procedure is best for you. Doc Brock of Magruder Laser Vision shares that there are several circumstances when PRK may be your best option in vision correction:

  • The cornea is too thin to create a flap as is done in the LASIK procedure.
  • As an enhancement procedure for previously performed refractive or cataract procedures
  • The cornea may be irregularly shaped
  • The cornea may be scarred from a previous accident.
  • Corneal diseases or conditions are present, like map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy, recurrent corneal erosions, or scars from contact lenses.

Similar to LASIK, PRK can treat the same types of vision issues. Myopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism are treated when small amounts of the surface of the cornea are removed to help reshape the eye. In LASIK, the laser stream is focused on the area underneath the cornea; with PRK, the laser is focused on the top which eliminates the need for a flap to be made prior to targeting the laser. PRK is often considered to be the best vision correction procedure for those leading active lifestyles such as athletes and military personnel. The recovery period for PRK sometimes takes a wee bit longer than LASIK, but the final results are similar. During your initial consultation, Doc Brock will determine which procedure is best suited for your individual situation.

Magruder Laser Vision implements the most advanced eye surgery technology for PRK vision correction, and we are there every step of the way to help our patients prepare for eye correction. For the PRK procedure, we recommend the following protocol:

  • Begin taking fish oil supplements. Studies have shown that Omega 3’s reduce inflammation and dryness and help you heal faster during your PRK eye surgery recovery.
  • Plan ahead. Tell your family, friends, and employer that you are scheduled for PRK eye surgery and will probably need a few extra days to recover.
  • Prepare for your recovery. Purchase an over-the-counter pain medication which usually provides you the most effective relief. You will also have prescriptions for pain medications to use if needed. Place a few cool packs in your freezer so they are ready to use. The day after your PRK procedure may be uncomfortable, but any pain is typically well-managed with over-the-counter medications. The best way to manage pain from PRK is to stay one step ahead of it. During your PRK eye correction recovery, try to spend the day sleeping. Some of our patients have shared that they passed the time sleeping or lying still with their eyes closed listening to music, etc. Over the years, we have found that PRK surgery patients who are well-prepared are the patients who have the easiest time with their recovery from PRK.

PRK eye correction may be the answer to your quest of tossing the contacts and glasses forever. Schedule your initial consultation with Doc Brock, a leading Orlando ophthalmologist, today, and begin your journey to restored vision. Call us at 407-843-5665, or schedule your appointment with a click of the mouse. Magruder Laser Vision looks forward to correcting your vision and changing your life.