Congratulations on taking the first steps in deciding if laser eye surgery in Orlando is the right choice for you! You’ve likely weighed the many benefits and realized that this investment will actually be saving you money in the long term. Since you’ve come to that conclusion on your own, we implore our patients to educate themselves so their decision about having an eye procedure is one filled with confidence and understanding. Being an informed patient is an important component of successful surgery as it will give you peace of mind that you have made the decision that’s right for you. Here are some common terms and procedures that should be in your knowledge arsenal.

ALLEGRETTO Laser Tracking System


Baseline Eye Exam

This state-of-the-art technology is offered at Magruder Laser Vision and eliminates the need for dilation.


When the shape of your eye is not completely round, its ability to focus as it was intended to makes seeing clearly difficult. If you suffer from astigmatism, Doc Brock can provide you with potential treatment options during your initial consultation.


What Are Dry Eyes


As you age, the lenses of your eyes become fuzzy, eventually to the point of blocking vision. This is called a cataract. Risk factors are diabetes, exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet light, smoking, obesity, and genetics.

Implantable Contact Lens (ICL):

Lighten That Purse With Eye Surgery

Lighten That Purse With Eye Surgery

ICLs provide excellent quality of vision, and they are a great option for many people of different ages. They never need to be cleaned, and this procedure is reversible. This treatment option has different benefits than LASIK, so it really depends on your lifestyle, but it both procedures provide you with improved vision.


OD Career Path In A Refractive Surgery Practice

KAMRA inlay helps restore your near vision so that you don’t have to be bothered to wear reading glasses. It is long lasting and works with your other eye to allow clarity both near and far. Doc Brock now offers the KAMRA inlay, which gives our patients freedom from reading glasses.


Meet Our Dedicated Team

LASIK is a surgical procedure that helps to correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness, and astigmatism. Since technology has been rapidly evolving, you will find that more people than ever before are candidates for LASIK, and these advancements have elevated the standards of safety, results, and comfort.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy

State of the Art Technology

PRK, while similar in nature to LASIK, is a safer and more effective alternative for some patients, producing the same results. The healing tends to be longer.

Refractive Lens Exchange

Contact Lens Care For Teens

This procedure involves the replacement of the natural lenses in the eyes with premium prescription lenses. Candidates for this procedure are usually age 40+. It eliminates the need for the prescription changes of glasses/contact lenses. There are multiple implant options to suit various vision needs and priorities.

We want our patients to go into their procedure feeling confident, educated, and excited about their new future of improved vision. If you have any questions about these particular terms, please be sure to contact Magruder Laser Vision to schedule a no cost consultation with Doc Brock so you can see which procedure would best suit you as a patient and your lifestyle. Laser eye surgery in Orlando may be perfect for you. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to not have to worry about glasses or contact lenses ever again? Contact Doc Brock and the staff at Magruder Laser Vision by completing our online contact form, or by calling us at 407-843-5665. Start “seeing” your way to clearer vision. We are Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.