After living with poor vision for decades and relying on contact lenses and glasses to guide you through the day, you’ve finally decided to take the plunge: you’ve scheduled an advanced LASIK procedure with the LASIK eye surgery professionals at Magruder Laser Vision. You’ve read about the benefits of LASIK and know about the preparations and intense eye exams before the procedure, but what should you expect post-LASIK? Below is a short list of pointers to help you quickly transition to vision.

  • Rest, rest, rest: Your eyes have been through tremendous stress. It’s crucial to give them time to recuperate. The eye drops in your eyes will probably cause your lids to relax; let them. Close your eyes, take a nap, turn on some music. Leave the book, newspaper, and Netflix for later. You have the rest of your life to enjoy those visual treats, so for now, give your eyes a break.

  • Take your medications: If you have been prescribed eye drops or oral medication, they were prescribed for your protection, especially if you are susceptible to bacterial infections. Take them as scheduled.

  • Keep off the streets: Your vision distorts slightly when you wear corrective lenses, and LASIK upgrades your vision to near perfection. Therefore, your body needs time to adjust to the positive differences in astigmatism, distances, and light refraction. Be a passenger for a while until you feel comfortable gauging distances and the increased lighting effects stabilize.

  • Follow-up appointments: Don’t skip any appointments! Your ophthalmologist may notice something you didn’t and be able to treat you quickly during a follow-up. Keep all appointments — even if you believe your vision is perfect.

  • Take it easy: Contact sports, weightlifting, and cardiovascular exercise should be put on hold a few days to give your eyes time to heal. An accidental tennis ball to the face or sweat dripping into your eye can hurt tremendously.

  • Wear sunglasses: Any eye procedure can lead to photophobia, or light sensitivity. This may last a few days or a number of weeks. Sunglasses are always a great idea, regardless of any eye procedure, since they deter cataract growth and prevent most debris from flying into your eyes.

  • No cosmetics: Any astringents, creams, lotions, washes, eyeliner, mascara, or eye shadow can quickly drip or smear into your eye. Keep it natural for a few days post-LASIK.

  • No touching: You inadvertently touch your face several thousand times a day. Each time you touch your face, you deposit bacteria colonies from your hands to your face, so even when your eyes feel scratchy, refrain from rubbing or touching them.

Keep in mind that while most patients watch the world come into focus as their LASIK is completed, others may experience the world through what appears to be cellophane or wax paper. This condition improves within a few hours and is part of healing, not a symptom.

Still haven’t come in for your free consultation? Book online now at one of our convenient locations or talk to a surgeon using our Telehealth option. Call us at 407-843-5665 for any additional informaton.

Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.