If you have recently started wearing glasses or have worn them for what seems like your entire lifetime, you know that they can limit the number of activities in which you can participate. It can be frustrating, reduce your spontaneity, and limit your enjoyment of life. There’s a way to beat those feelings and get back to living life to the fullest! Doc Brock of Magruder Laser Vision wants you to know that having Orlando LASIK could allow you to pitch those irritating and restrictive glasses once and for all! “There is nothing that you won’t be able to do; no sport you cannot try, no activity to be avoided if you are a candidate for Orlando LASIK,” informs Doc Brock. Think of how freeing it will be when you can do all of the following

Things you can do without glasses

Go from air conditioning to the heat and humidity of the Florida summer without having them steam up or vice versa.

Watch your barber or hair stylist work on your hair from start to finish without having to delay the reveal until it’s safe to put your glasses back on.

Jump into the surf or the pool without having to first remove your glasses and make sure they are safe.

jumping iunto suff

Kiss someone without losing your perspective.

Ride a rollercoaster without being afraid of losing your expensive glasses

Ride a rollercoaster

Roughhouse with your kids.

Roughhouse with your kids.

See a 3D movie and wear only one pair of glasses.

See a 3D movie with only one pair of glasses

Not have to stumble to the bathroom to put in your contact lenses or reach for your glasses before you can see clearly every morning.

Magruder laser vision contact lens case

Travel without packing extra glasses, cases, or solutions.

Travel without packing extra glasses


Walk in the rain without losing visibility.

Walk in the rain

Not include new glasses in your yearly budget.

your yearly budget.

Take a shower and see clearly.



Not have to worry about “shiny nose syndrome” from your skin’s oils collecting around the bridge of your nose where your glasses rest.

“shiny nose syndrome

Drink hot beverages without fogging up.


Drink hot beverages

There are many more everyday life activities that you will be able to enjoy when you no longer must wear glasses. Doc Brock wants you to fully experience all the visual wonder life has to offer. He invites you to come in for a no-cost consultation to determine if you are an Orlando LASIK candidate. Doc Brock personally meets every with every patient to address any other concerns you might have about having the procedure. We are excited to help you see the world without the need for glasses or contacts. Contact us online, or call us at 407-843-5665, and let Doc Brock and the staff at Magruder Laser Vision help you discover clearer vision. We are Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.