About Magruder Laser Vision

At Magruder Laser Vision, we aim to improve people’s lives by correcting their vision through refractive surgical solutions such as LASIK, Lens Replacement, and Laser Cataract Surgery. We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality services in the market while maintaining a nationwide reputation of being at the forefront of technology, as well as welcoming and caring.

Where We Started

In 1996, we started off as LaserVue, Central Florida’s first LASIK center. We specialized in related procedures like Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), now called Advanced Surface Ablation, and refractive cataract surgery. This last procedure allows vision correction at the same time as cataract removal.

With our main office building, built in the early 2000s, we knew that we wanted to focus explicitly on creating a warm and comfortable environment for our cataract and refractive surgical patients.

This included designing a space with high ceilings, large windows, and the latest diagnostic and laser equipment available. Our mission, to bring patient experience into the core of what we do while optimizing our surgical outcomes.

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A Culture Dedicated To A Positive Patient Experience

Our team is all about bringing warmth to our patient experience by fostering a genuine and personal connection to each and every individual. We’re not ‘just an office building with fancy lasers’… But a culture that is all about making our patients happy.

We customize all of our recommendations to each individual’s vision correction and infuse warmth into all of our interactions to help them feel safe. This ensures that no matter who you’re interacting with on our team, whether it is our front desk, technicians, or doctors, you will feel at ease and well-cared for.

Vision Correction Patient Experience in Orlando FL
Vision correction office based surgery

Our Future: Innovating Patient Comfort

2020 witnessed our expansion into a new office-based surgery suite. Office Based Surgery seamlessly integrates clinic and surgery in one location, providing a comfortable and personalized premium surgical experience. It’s better for both our patients and our team because we have the ability to control the schedule, equipment, sterility, staffing, and management. It’s better for our patients because it’s more convenient, without anesthesia, and offers our high-touch offerings with greater flexibility.

Magruder Laser Vision’s Dedicated Team

Our large and diverse team here at Magruder Laser Vision has been hand-selected from across the country for their expertise and patient-focused nature. Our dedicated team includes:

Magruder Laser Vision Dedicated Team

Dr. G Brock Magruder, Jr: As the founder and CEO of Magruder Laser Vision, he has always focused on delivering superior eye health through innovative digital technology with the highest levels of service and patient care.

Dr. Michael J. Shumski: Dr. Shumski is Orlando’s leader in Modern Cataract Surgery, and one of the premier Cataract & Refractive Surgeons in America. With a background in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins University, he is a sought after industry collaborator & consultant on the newest generation of lasers and lens implant technologies.

Dr. Joel Hunter: Dr. Hunter is a board-certified ophthalmologist and Orlando LASIK surgeon. His specialties are refractive laser-assisted cataract surgery, LASIK, and dry eye issues.

We have four staff Optometrists, Dr. Kyle J. Callaway, Dr. Nhat Nguyen, Dr. Leslie Callaway, and Dr. Lindsey Walsh. All are excellent clinicians and enjoy caring for our patients.

No crew is complete without its supporting staff. Our technicians, insurance specialists, and patient concierges are individuals who give themselves every day to help our patients improve their vision. Some of them have been with us for over 20 years.

Optometrists at Magruder Laser Vision

Serving Central Florida Since 1996

In 1996, Dr. Magruder started his practice and introduced locals to Central Florida’s first refractive surgery center. Since then, he has continued to innovate by introducing game-changing technology and pursuing ongoing education to master the latest techniques.

Dr. Magruder introduced Moths to Central Florida’s first refractive surgery center.

Dr. Magruder performed the first Custom Cornea Wavefront-guided treatments in Central Florida.

Dr. Magruder was the first to offer the Verisyse implantable lenses.






Dr. Magruder installed the first autonomous eye-tracking laser in the United States.

Dr. Magruder was integrated with an FDA investigational study site for Wavefront-guided LASIK.

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Dr. Magruder was the first to bring Wavelight Laser to Central Florida.

Dr. Magruder was first to introduced Central Florida’s first Intralase iFS.

Dr. Magruder was the first to bring an Alcon Wavelight refractive suite to Central Florida.






Dr. Magruder performed the First Starr Visian implantable contact lens in the Orlando area.

Dr. Magruder brought the very first Lensar Cataract Laser to local patients.

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Dr. Magruder is the first laser eye center in Central Florida to offer the KAMRA inlay.

Dr. Shumski performed the first Rayner RayOne EMV IOL in the Orlando area.

Dr. Shumski performed the first EVO Implantable Contact Lens in the Orlando area.






Dr. Shumski performed the first Alcon Vivity Intraocular Lens in the Orlando area.

Dr. Shumski performed the first Light Adjustable Lens in the Orlando area.

Dr. Magruder introduced Moths to Central Florida's first refractive surgery center.


Dr. Magruder installed the first autonomous eye-tracking laser in the United States.


Dr. Magruder performed the first Custom Cornea Wavefront-guided treatments in Central Florida.


Dr. Magruder was integrated with an FDA investigational study site for Wavefront-guided LASIK.


Dr. Magruder was the first to offer the Verisyse implantable lenses.


Dr. Magruder was the first to bring Wevelight Laser to Central Florida.


Dr. Magruder performed the First Starr Visian implantable contact lens in Ire Orlando area.


Dr. Magruder was first to introduced Central Florida’s first Intralase iFS.


Dr. Magruder brought the very first LensAR Cataract Laser to local patients.


Dr. Magruder was the first to bring an Alcon Wavelight refractive suite to Central Florida.


Dr. Magruder is first laser eye center in Central Florida to offer the KARMA inlay.


Dr. Shumski performed the first Alcon Vivity Intraocular Lens in the Orlando area.


Dr. Shumski performed the first Rayner RayOne EMV IOL in the Orlando area.


Dr. Shumski performed the first Light Adjustable Lens in the Orlando area.


Dr. Shumski performed the first EVO Implantable Contact Lens in the Orlando area.


Magruder Laser Vision’s Products & Services Include

MLV Advanced LASIK, MLV Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA), SMILE, Custom Lens Replacement — The CLeaR Procedure, Laser Cataract Surgery, Corneal Cross-Linking, and Dry Eye treatments.

State-of-the-Art Technology Means Better Results, Shorter Recovery Time

As Orlando’s premier laser eye surgery center, Magruder Laser Vision has a reputation for providing personalized care to each guest using the most advanced eye surgery equipment and technology available. That means you feel safer, get better results and have a shorter recovery time.

Vision correction state of the art technology in Orlando FL
  • Industry-leading equipment from Zeiss, Alcon, Allegretto and more.
  • Better results – Better technology gives you better, more accurate results.
  • Less recovery time – Wavefront Optimized treatment strategy means we can fix your near or farsightedness without changing the shape of your cornea.
  • Allegretto laser tracking system – Tracking technology locks onto your eye, so the laser moves as your eye moves and eliminating the need for dilation.
  • Faster surgery – Treatments take a matter of seconds, increasing your comfort and reducing anxiety
About Self Candidacy Test for LASIK And Cataract Surgery at Magruder Laser Vision
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Self-Candidacy Test

Is vision correction right for you? This 2-minute test can help determine if you might be a candidate for corrective eye surgery at Magruder Laser Vision. While the test can’t replace a detailed in-person diagnostic, it’s a great place to start!