The Clear Procedure
Not all patients are candidates for LASIK; if so, you might be better suited for the new world of vision correction with Custom Lens Replacement.
Custom Lens Replacement (CLR), also sometimes referred to as refractive lens exchange (RLE), offers a precise and long-lasting solution for age-related changes in your natural lens. It can turn back the clock and provide you with a more youthful range of vision while eliminating a future with cataracts.

The Age Of Dysfunction?
After the age of 45, the most common reason your glasses or contact lens prescription fluctuates is that your natural lens changes in shape, stiffness, and clarity. You develop what’s called: “dysfunctional lens syndrome.”
How does your natural lens become “dysfunctional”?
Your natural lens becomes stiffer and progressively changes shape, resulting in a decreased range of vision. This is the reason that many people need reading glasses or bifocals as they approach the age of 50.

A Zero Cataract Future?
Cataract development is a natural part of the aging process. The only question is when will it happen to you? Most patients spend years dealing with poor vision quality and glare symptoms, which makes it hard to drive at night or see in dimly lit conditions.
After CLR, you won’t have to worry about cataract development impacting your vision for the rest of your life!

CLR — Vision “Styles”
There are 3 options for your vision with the CLeaR procedure. There is no one-size-fits-all answer here. The best answer for you is the one that suits your lifestyle and the visual demands of your life. As part of your consultation, you will discuss these options at length with your surgeon. Your surgeon will create a customized plan based on your lifestyle.
Best Distance
This option gives you the best distance with both eyes. Distance vision activities include driving, watching television, and playing most sports. For example, you can track a golf ball or follow a high-speed tennis ball with ease.
With this option, you will need help seeing activities near to you. The easiest way to accomplish this is with over-the-counter reading glasses for any activity closer than a computer screen.
Blended Vision
The goal of this option, also known as “monovision” is to help you participate in both distant vision activities, as well as most near and intermediate vision activities without the need for glasses or contact lenses. Intermediate-range activities include sitting at a computer screen, seeing the dashboard in a car, viewing the kitchen countertop, and browsing the shelf at the grocery store.
A “multifocal lens” is a lens designed to give each eye “multiple focal points”.
There are many factors to consider when it comes to multifocal implants, including lifestyle, work activities, and leisure activities.

The Custom Lens Replacement Process
Magruder Laser Vision prides itself on our comprehensive evaluations. Our surgeons will discuss which option is best for your eyes while taking into account your unique lifestyle and vision goals.
During your visit with us, we will use state-of-the-art equipment to take a series of measurements. These measurements help us in selecting and creating the best custom implant for you so that you can walk away with the best vision possible.
Procedure day
A Custom Lens Replacement takes approximately 10-minutes to perform. The majority of the time is spent on preparing you for the procedure, while the treatment itself is quite short.
Benefits of Custom Lens Replacement
Reduce or eliminate your need for glasses and contact lenses.
No more worrying about contact lens infections. No more worrying about updating your glasses every time your lens grows a little and changes your prescription.
Designer frames and prescriptions aren’t cheap, as every year it becomes more expensive. A few pairs of prescription glasses or contact lenses can add up to more than the cost of a custom lens replacement. By having this procedure done, you can delete the expense of cataract surgery, save money in the long term and start seeing clearly now.

LENSAR Laser System
Custom Lens Replacement Technology
The LENSAR® Laser System is the only femtosecond cataract laser built specifically for refractive cataract surgery. Because it was designed from the ground up, every aspect of the laser has been purposefully designed with you in mind.