Treat Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, or Astigmatism
While Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) uses the same technology as LASIK, our wide range of instruments, techniques, and post-operative care ensures positive patient outcomes.

What To Expect?
Before ASA, we record specialized pre-operative measurements to determine the best treatment plan. We use an Alcon Wavelight EX500 Excimer laser, as it is optimized for gently reshaping your cornea. Custom compounded post-operative drops are provided to give our patients the best recovery possible.

What Is Advanced Surface Ablation?
Advanced surface ablation is an FDA-approved laser vision correction procedure that treats the surface of the cornea. It does not require a flap creation like LASIK. Instead, it simply removes the epithelium cells (surface cells) to expose the secondary layer that is reshaped to adjust the focus of your eye. The curvature of the cornea will be adjusted in a certain way depending on which vision problem you are suffering from;nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
Our surgeons then use an Alcon Wavelight EX500 Excimer Laser to gently reshape the cornea and correct the refractive error.
We provide custom-compounded preservative-free prescription drops to each patient, ensuring only the highest quality medication throughout your post-operative care.

Who Should Consider MLV ASA?
MLV Advanced Surface Ablation is an excellent alternative to LASIK, specifically for people who prefer the idea of a simpler, flapless procedure. No flap is created with ASA,making it a safer option for those with thinner corneas. So, who makes a good candidate for MLV ASA?
It is important to note that most individuals who qualify for LASIK, also qualify for advanced surface ablation.
What Does Visual Recovery Look Like?
Day One:
vision varies but is relatively functional. One eye is often markedly better than the other at first. While most individuals can drive after ASA, we do not recommend it until you are fully healed. Vision is usually fluctuating but adequate for regular visual tasks like working on the computer, using your phone,or watching television.
Day Two:
your vision will remain similar to day one and you’ll have little trouble with routine visual tasks.
Day Three:
by day three, your epithelium cells will begin regenerating into the line of sight. This will cause your vision to blur, become doubled, hazy, or produce multiple images. Completing routine visual tasks may be more difficult.
Day Four:
your vision is going to be similar to day three. The bandage contact lens can be removed, and you may resume everyday visual tasks. While your vision should be improved, you will have blurring, double vision, and haziness.Clarity will be decreased, and some tasks, such as driving and computer work might be challenging.
Week Two:
by this time, your vision should be improving with less doubled,blurred, or hazy vision. If your job or hobbies require attention to fine details, you may find it hard to perform.
Week Three & Four:
most people are fully functional with vision at approximately 95%.
What Does Recovery Look Like?
While the healing period is extended and drops are needed for the first month, you can expect to make a safe and complete recovery within four weeks. Every patient’s eyes, lifestyle, and vision goals are unique.
As part of our process at Magruder Laser Vision, you’ll have a comprehensive and personalized discussion with your doctor about risks, benefits, and alternatives for all of your vision correction options. For more information, give us a call at 407-843-5665.

Alcon Wavelight EX500 Excimer Laser
MLV Advanced Surface Ablation Technology
The excimer is integral to providing an excellent refractive outcome when providing MLV Advanced LASIK. It provides consistent and precise performance and helps maintain the natural corneal shape.

See The Difference With MLV Advanced Surface Ablation
Learn more about our ASA treatment with a free consultation. Schedule your complimentary consultation online or call 407-843-5665 for more information.