I was at crossroads. My contact lenses were becoming more and more annoying on a daily basis. They were feeling rough against the surface of my eyes and didn’t seem to be fitting properly any longer. I was wearing my glasses more often which posed a different issue. Living in Florida and going in and out of air conditioning all day, my glasses were forever fogged over, and it really ticked me off. I was petrified at the thought of having any kind of eye correction procedure. There was no way I was letting anyone bring a laser near my eye. Something had to change. It was then that I heard about Orlando LASIK experts Magruder Laser Vision and Doc Brock.

A colleague at work had observed me wearing contact lenses one day and then glasses for several days and so on. She asked what was going on, and I explained my dilemma. It was then that she shared she used to experience the same difficulties and decided to do something about it. She researched LASIK and met with Doc Brock for a consultation. She had her LASIK procedure three years ago and had never been happier. There was virtually no down time and the results were immediate.

I was aware that contact lens wearers are at greater risk for developing ulcerations, infections, and scratched corneas. Contact lenses restrict the access of oxygen to the eye, which over time can change the shape of the cornea. Heaven knows I spent so much money every year purchasing cleaning solutions, replacement cases, and new lenses. Plus, I had to always have a current pair of prescription glasses to wear, and when I traveled, I had to take everything with me. It was costly and cumbersome. As a kid in high school, being able to ditch the glasses for contacts was new and exciting because I was no longer a “four-eyes,” and that was amazing. I’d been wearing contact lenses for 12 years now. What would it be like to wake up in the morning and not have to fumble for my glasses or put contacts in right away so that I could make a pot of coffee?

It was really eye-opening (pun intended) to discover that over a 10 year period of time, I would spend the same amount of money on contacts and glasses as I would to have the LASIK procedure. The benefits of LASIK would last so much longer. The decision to contact Doc Brock was the best decision I’ve ever made. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. I could kick myself for all the years of having 20/15 vision that I didn’t enjoy because of my concerns about undergoing the procedure.

Don’t put it off. You have nothing to lose and perfect vision to gain! Make your appointment today to discuss your vision and eye health with the Orlando LASIK experts at Magruder Laser Vision. Doc Brock and his staff are there to examine your eyes and help you determine if you are a viable candidate for LASIK. Contact them online or call 407-843-5665. Magruder Laser Vision. Correcting Vision. Changing Lives.