• Published On: September 5, 2017

    The fun-filled days of summer are upon us, and it is time to visit amusement parks, swim, play in the sand on the beach, and enjoy the great outdoors! But first, where are your glasses? And did you order that extra set of contacts before you packed your bags? Magruder Laser Vision offers Orlando LASIK [...]

  • Published On: August 29, 2017

    The Florida sun is extremely bright in the summer months, but sunlight is not the only issue your eyes will encounter during the summer. The Orlando ophthalmology experts at Magruder Laser Vision present several summer eye tips that will keep your eyes looking good and seeing even better. Wear Sunglasses Sunglasses that provide 100% ultraviolet [...]

  • Published On: August 21, 2017

    You may have heard the do’s and don’ts and watching the upcoming Solar Eclipse by now. In the Sunshine State, although we won’t have the ability to see the eclipse in all totality, it’s still a historic moment that doesn’t come around too often. Here in Orlando, the eclipse will be positioned to our view [...]

  • Published On: July 7, 2017

    Summertime! Grab your sunscreen, beach umbrella, and glasses! But wait, how will you juggle wearing glasses and sunglasses? You opt for contacts and smile at your reflection in the mirror. Driving to the beach with the top down sounded like such a great idea until the wind whipped your hair beneath your sunglasses and directly [...]

  • Published On: May 31, 2017

    Ahh, summer in Florida! The pool invites you to dive in, your boat is ready to hit the water, and you have your glove oiled for your favorite summer sport, baseball. Unfortunately, it seems whatever activity you enjoy outside is hindered by wearing glasses. Even a walk around the block can become dangerous if sweat [...]

  • Published On: April 27, 2017

    Diabetes affects more than just your blood sugar. Your cardiovascular health, nervous system, and vision are all prey to this disease. The National Institute of Health (NIH) notes the rate of cases of diabetic retinopathy has increased from 4.06 million in 2000 to a staggering 7.69 million in 2010. The NIH expects that figure to [...]

  • Published On: February 21, 2017

    Whether you have just recently started wearing glasses or contact lenses or have done so for your entire life, one of the most annoying and expensive chores you face is your annual eye examination followed by the inevitable year-to-year prescription changes. Let’s be honest. Stylish frames are a pricey proposition, and your lenses can become [...]

  • Published On: February 15, 2017

    You’ve made the decision to have corrective laser eye surgery and have heard that LASIK is the accurate terminology used for the procedure that will allow you to ditch your contacts and glasses once and for all. You may be surprised when you are told that you may be a better candidate for PRK (Photorefractive [...]

  • Published On: February 9, 2017

    One of the most frequently asked questions by patients who are considering Orlando LASIK is a result of stories relayed by friends and family members who’ve already had the procedure. Dry eyes can be a side effect of the LASIK procedure. Truth be told, many patients who are seeking Orlando LASIK, especially long-time contact lens [...]