One of the most frequently asked questions by patients who are considering Orlando LASIK is a result of stories relayed by friends and family members who’ve already had the procedure. Dry eyes can be a side effect of the LASIK procedure. Truth be told, many patients who are seeking Orlando LASIK, especially long-time contact lens wearers, already suffer from dry eyes. New advancements in patient screening allow us to determine the candidate’s viability for the LASIK procedure, but also the potential risk for developing dry eyes after. In many cases, dry eyes can be managed effectively before and after Orlando LASIK. Before we can discuss management of dry eyes, we need to know if a patient is suffering with them before the procedure and then explore other factors for risk.

“The optimal result from an Orlando LASIK procedure must include the analysis of the quantity and quality of your tears as they affect the healing process after surgery,” Doc Brock explains. “There are several diagnostic tools that can be used to determine both.”

  • Tear Breakup Time

This monitors how tears are distributed across the surface of the eye. A small drop of dye is placed on the eye and observed for its coverage and how it disburses. Other than the drop of dye being placed on the surface, this is a non-invasive diagnostic tool.

  • Imaging

Instruments such as a Keratometer provide a view of the tears dispersion without touching the eye’s surface.

  • Schirmer Test

Minimally invasive, a very thin strip of paper is placed under the lower eyelid to measure tear production.

In addition to performing these simple diagnostic tests, Doc Brock will inquire about your general health and ask about other risk factors for developing dry eyes:

  • Whether or not you regularly take allergy medications (antihistamines).
  • If you take blood pressure medication or antidepressants, as well as the names and dosages.
  • Whether or not you suffer from any autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
  • If you spend large amounts of time in places that are unusually dry, dusty, hot, or very air-conditioned.
  • If a woman, you will be asked if you are post-menopausal.

There are several things that a patient can do to manage and reduce the feeling of dry eyes and help keep eyes hydrated. Supplements such as flaxseed oil and omega-3 fatty acids can promote healthy tears. Drinking eight glasses or more of water a day is good for the entire body, including the eyes. To manage dry eyes both before and after the procedure, it may be helpful to use of over-the-counter lubricating drops or a prescription of Restasis or similar drops. These drops support tear development and help minimize discomfort caused by inflammation.

Patients experiencing dry eyes prior to inquiring about Orlando LASIK will not automatically be disqualified from consideration for vision correction. Doc Brock will meet with you personally to discuss your symptoms, address your concerns, and help you determine what corrective procedure is best for you. Your vision is the number one priority at Magruder Laser Vision. Contact us online, or call us at 407-843-5665. We are Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.