It can be really annoying when your eye starts to twitch for no apparent reason. If you are in the company of others, it can make you feel self-conscious, afraid that everyone is staring and wondering what’s wrong. Dr. Brock Magruder (Doc Brock), the top eye surgeon in Orlando, wants you to know that your annoying twitch can be caused by several reasons, and he recommends that you explore why they are occurring.

Myokymia is the name given to the spontaneous muscle contraction of the eyelid. It occurs more prevalently in the lower eyelid, but it has been reported to happen in the upper eyelid on occasion. The spasms usually resolve themselves quickly and no medical attention is required. Some patients report that their twitching episodes have lasted for several weeks. Regardless of the duration, you should seek the opinion of an eye physician as the sensation of twitching eyelids might be indicative of an underlying issue.

Current theory is that eye strain and stress are the major contributing factors to causing eye twitches. Reducing the amount of eye strain each day can help combat eye twitching. A reduction in the time spent in front of computers, TVs , cell phones, etc., can help thwart the onset of muscle spasms.

Fatigue, resulting from lack of sleep, can cause your eyelids to twitch. The body requires at least eight hours of sleep per night to restore itself to an energized state. Lack of sleep affects your entire body, and eyes, like the rest of your body, require sufficient time to rest to work efficiently. So, turn off the electronics, and get some sleep.

Once you’ve developed a great routine for getting enough sleep, be careful not to consume too much caffeine. That’s right: your morning cup(s) of Joe and the subsequent soda, tea, or chocolate you consume throughout the day can contribute to the muscle spasms you’re experiencing. If you notice that whenever you’ve consumed a lot of caffeine your eyes twitch, cut back on the caffeine intake.

If you are an allergy sufferer, you may also experience the annoying twitch. Histamines are what cause allergic reactions in your body. Symptoms include watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, etc. If the histamine gets into the eye and under the eyelid, your lid will respond by twitching.

A dry eye is a condition that usually accompanies the aging process but can also be a side effect of certain medications. People who perform excessive computer work or wear contact lenses are often affected by dry eyes and twitching eyelids that result.

If you are experiencing recurrent issues with eye(s) twitching, it’s time to visit Doc Brock, the premiere eye surgeon in Orlando, for a complete ophthalmic evaluation. Contact us online, or call us at 407-843-5665, and let Doc Brock and the staff at Magruder Laser Vision determine the reason for these annoying twitches and help you find the way to make them stop. We are Magruder Laser Vision — Correcting Eyes. Changing Lives.